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Connecticut - Wikipedia

Connecticut is the third-smallest state by area after Rhode Island and Delaware, and the 29th most populous with more than 3.6 million residents as of 2024.

Connecticut - U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts

Table ; Population, Census, April 1, 2020 · Population, Census, April 1, 2010 · Persons under 5 years, percent ; 3,605,944 · 3,574,097 ·. 5.0%.

Connecticut Population Estimates Dashboard

Visit our interactive dashboard to explore estimates of Connecticut's total population at the state, planning region, and town levels.

Connecticut - Census Bureau Profile

Populations and People ; Language Spoken at Home. 23.9% · 0.5% ; Native and Foreign-Born. 16.3% · 0.5% ; Older Population. 19.1% · 0.1% ; Residential Mobility. 2.7% ...

Annual Town and County Population for Connecticut

Population estimates reported here are considered "post-censal" estimates as they are estimated using the most recent census counts. Estimates for 1996-1999 are ...


Dec 4, 2012 ... From 1990 to 2010, Connecticut's population increased by 8.7%, from 3,287,116 to 3,574,097. Similarly, the majority of Connecticut's 169 ...


Population estimates for Connecticut's nine county-equivalent planning regions and 169 towns for 2022 were prepared for distribution by the Connecticut ...

Connecticut Population Change: 2010 to 2020

Jul 6, 2022 ... Table 1: Connecticut Population Change by Municipality. 2010 to 2020. Town. 2010 Census. 2020 Census. # Change. % Change. Andover.

Population Statistics

A major source of population data for CT, the decennial census attempts to provide a true count of the population rather than an estimate. The decennial census ...

Connecticut population by year, county, race, & more | USAFacts

The ages, races, and population density of Connecticut tell a story. Understand the shifts in demographic trends with these charts visualizing decades of ...
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